File Deletion Application
In case you find files which infringe copyright or law, or are morally unsuitable.

- How do I cancel my subscription?
- How do I cancel my membership?
- I cannot download the file.
- I subscribed to the paid membership service but I still cannot upload over 250MB file.
- Is it possible to recover the file which has been deleted?
- Please delete the uploaded file.
- I subscribed to the paid membership service but the status is still free membership.
- How can I downgrade my membership to Standard Plan from Professional Plan?
- In spite of having logged in, login is required after clicking a menu button.
- In spite of having registered with firestorage, I have not received the email.

- I cannot find the Upload button anywhere in "Upload" menu.
- It seems that the upload button does not work.
- The message "Now Uploading...(100%)" is displayed, and Uploading is not completed.
- When I was going to upload, the message "The access to the server was reset" was displayed.
- Although I selected "None specified" as the Upload period settings, my file was deleted.
- I cannot upload my ZIP file.
- I cannot upload at my company/school.
- I cannot upload large files by using MacOS/Safari.
- Error message "Exceeds File Limit" is displayed when I click the upload button, and uploading does not start.
- How many files I can upload simultaneously?
- It is very troublesome to paste all of the download URL into an email after uploading multiple files.
- Is it possible to download multiple files in one click after accessing the Download page?
- A file name is garbled if the file created and uploaded by Mac is downloaded by Windows.
/A file name is garbled if the file created and uploaded by Windows is downloaded by Mac.
- Although I set the number that could be downloaded from the upload period settings, an error message "This file was deleted" was displayed.
- How can I know the person who downloads my uploaded file?
- How can I know the number of times a file was downloaded?
- Please delete the uploaded file.
- How can I upload a file for more than 7 days?
- I subscribed to the paid membership service but the error message “Exceeds File Limit” displayed when I uploaded over 250MB file.